September and October were interesting months for the Strategic Play Team. With LEGO® bricks in hand, we answered the call to adventure from Col. Jason (TOGA) Trew.
Our challenge?
To address living in ambiguity while using design thinking methods to address emerging issues and threats facing Earth from space. We had to do this with cyber teams who had never met before while using new technology many had never used before, all while balancing time zones from airman and civilians from Honolulu to New York City.
What made this adventure so much fun was the collection of people who answered the call! We reconnected with old friends and snapped bricks together with new friends who, for whatever reason, also answered the call to see how far and fast we could go while running on creative fumes! We were able to play with ideas, connect methods, and click together a new picture of the future.
LEGO® (What the Duck?), came along for the ride to illustrate the hands-on brain-engaged effect in 3D thinking.
The future is unknown, and lately it’s felt more so than ever. But we do know that teams are better prepared to manage and lead when they are armed with great tools and have flexible, agile, and adaptable mindsets. The leaders at the United States Air Force - Space Force are also well aware of this and are embracing all things creative to prepare their next generation of leaders.
In the words of Buzz Lightyear: To infinity and beyond!