What the Duck? LEGO SERIOUS PLAY Methods in Hollywood!

LSP - Only in LA!



As an entertainment hub, Los Angeles is a place full of surprises. During our recent Strategic Play LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Facilitator Certification for Teams and Groups training in LA, participants enjoyed some fun, unexpected moments. It started minutes before a day of training, when a person entered the room dressed in… a duck costume.


Did someone take a wrong turn from a nearby film shoot or was this a prank?


Neither. Instead, this was one of our participants, who decided to start the day by sharing her gift of making people laugh and taking the “What the Duck?” brick exercise to a whole new level!  


The combined experience of the duck surprise and holding the training at the entertainment-focused college, Studio School, which is located at the TV and film studio LA Center Studios (Dark Knight Rises, CSI, Mission Impossible 2), created an incredibly fun atmosphere to learn about LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods. Participants also had the unique opportunity to tour some of the sets where famous TV shows and movies have been filmed.  


This past training in LA highlighted how play, fun, and laughter are important in developing a positive culture during a training experience. When people feel the freedom to step out and play and have a good laugh in a training or workshop, they organically begin to drop walls and team creativity begins to flourish.  While it will be hard to predict what other fun “duck-like” surprises will happen at future trainings in LA, play and laughter will certainly be a core part of the experience.


 If you are looking to add some fun into your next training - check out the schedule for LA! 

  • 5/29/2019 11:22:58 AM
  • Jacqueline Lloyd Smith
  • 0
  • Brainstorms

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