

We’re always on the lookout for people and companies who are embracing innovation for good. So when we heard about SailLink, we just had to learn more.

SailLink is a public transit ferry service for people traveling by foot or bike. It will help people travel between France and the U.K. If you’re wondering what makes this company so innovative, it’s their commitment to supporting climate action. They won’t have the traditional fleet of diesel powered ferries. Instead, they will strictly rely on sailing vessels.

We applaud this effort to bring sustainability to the travel industry. There are so many ferry services in Canada, it would be exciting to see similar efforts launching here as well. Can you suggest any other locations where you would like to see an idea like this implemented?

We look forward to seeing how SailLink evolves. Not only will this be great from an environmental standpoint, but it will be quite the opportunity for people who otherwise would never have the experience of sailing. If you ever have the chance to travel with them, we look forward to hearing about your adventure!

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