Build Your Cultural Agility: The Nine Competencies of Successful Global Professionals

Innovation Books, Adult Cultural Agility with LEGO



By Paula Caligiuri
Publication Date: March 2021
Review Date: May 2021


Globalization has forced more and more people to work in places and with people they may have never imagined they would. Some individuals find this fun and exciting; they have adventure encoded in their DNA. Other people are more hesitant and have difficulty adjusting to new environments. While people tend to think of a new culture in terms of country and language, it may be something as simple as a new position at a company that does things differently from your old job. In Build Your Cultural Agility, Caligiuri explains nine distinct competencies that, once mastered, will ensure individuals can make a smooth transition into any new situation and excel.

We feel this month’s selection is particularly relevant. We have a team of facilitators who work around the globe. Some of them work in their home countries, and some travel afar. But wherever they are working with others, they are well-versed in the local languages and customs. They have the confidence and skills to be culturally nimble, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Of course, we also have the wisdom to understand there is always more we can learn. And with our love of jet setting around the globe—when it’s safe, of course—we will soak up all the knowledge we can about cultural agility.

  • 5/2/2021 9:54:59 PM
  • Jacqueline Lloyd Smith
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  • Innovation

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