10 Top Things You Can Do Now: To increase your LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Method Sales. 

Do you want to increase your LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Workshop Sales? Of course, you do!


You have a website, you are active on social media, and you might even have some videos working for you. But do you know how to convert those interested followers into sales? Maybe not.


Are you thinking......“But I hate sales. Yuck!” 

Bad Sales Guy

When we say "Sales",  you might envision someone wearing a bad suit, trying to sell people things they don’t need or want.


However, It is the opposite. 


'Sales' really means solving problems and helping people. And we know you are awesome at that. Besides, we would never want you to sell anything to anyone who doesn’t want or need your services.

The problem is many people do want your help but you might not know how to help them get it. 


Sales are one area of your business that deserves just as much attention as your LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods offerings.  We have some fast ideas for you to use right now that can change your bottom line and increase your return on investment.


MBA jargon, right? Wrong, these are things you need to know to maximize your marketing efforts.


After all, the best marketing plan in the world only exists to convert leads to sales. 


Whether you are a new facilitator or a long-time LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods practitioner, we will show you how to get your business working for you. And the good news is this process is not complicated, expensive, difficult, or boring.  We are going to break it down into steps and back it all up with current research statistics so you can judge for yourself how creating a few new habits can change your bank account. 


What you do with the extra cash will be up to you. 


Yellow Shoes, solid background


So how do you get this?  Well, that’s the best part because it’s all FREE.

We will be offering a breakout at the 3rd Annual Meeting and Unconference for LSP Facilitators in Cincinnati, Ohio, at P&G’s Innovation Gym.

You know you want to come. Now you have just one more reason to join us September 26 – 27, 2017. 


  • 8/15/2017 11:33:51 AM
  • Jacqueline Lloyd Smith
  • 0
  • Innovation

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